Klein Tools' new Pro Folding Hex Key set conveniently consolidates two sets into one. The heavy-duty 11-piece set includes a high-leverage, 4-Inch long 1/2-Inch key. Industrial strength, extended reach blades open independently up to 270 degrees, and a precision fit design to reduce slippage and stripping. The durable handle is made of reinforced nylon with a comfortable grip. The heavy-duty Pro Folding Hex Key set is built specifically for a rigorous job site.
- Weight: 1.10 LBS
Included(11) Fractional Inch-Sized Keys
Key Lengths4" (10.2 cm)
Overall Width1.37" (3.5 cm)
Handle Length6.63" (16.8 cm)
Size1/2", 3/8", 5/16", 1/4", 7/32", 3/16", 5/32", 9/64", 1/8", 7/64", 3/32"
Special FeaturesExtended-Reach Keys
Overall Length6.63" (16.8 cm)
MaterialHandle: Reinforced Nylon; Keys: Steel
ApplicationNut Driving
Weight1.09 lb (0.5 kg)
Overall Height2.07" (5.3 cm)
1.09 lb (0.5 kg)Overall Height
2.07" (5.3 cm)Type
Folding Hex Key
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- Weight: 1.10 LBS
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