Saburrtooth rotary tools feature long-lasting, razor-sharp carbide cutting teeth arranged into a unique open pattern to resist loading while providing rapid stock removal and smoother finishes. Rotary tools are available in many shapes, sizes and textures to suit your carving, grinding, cutting and machining needs.
SKU: 14C14-70
Shape: Cylinder
Diameter: 1/4"
Head Length: 1 3/4"
Bore Size: N/A
Texture: Coarse
Compatible Equipment:
Please Note: Not for use on METAL or CERAMICS. Safety: Always use approved eye protection and safety devices! Sizes: Coated diameters are nominal and may vary in size by .150" Recommended Operating Speed: 4,000 to 25,000 RPM
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Saburrtooth 14C14-70 1/4 In Cylinder 1/4 In X 1-3/4 In Course Green
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