You may return most items that are new in original packaging within 30 days for a full refund or exchange.
We cannot accept returns of certain items, including:
- Ladders & scaffolding
- Gas powered products (outdoor equipment, generators etc.)
- Lasers (line lasers, distance meters, rotary lasers, detectors etc.)
- Levels
- Instruments (multimeters, clamp meters, sound meters, metal detectors etc.)
- Precision tools (calipers, micrometers, gauges etc.)
- Safety supplies (fall arrest, respirators, harnesses, hard hats etc.)
- Specialty tools (automotive, mechanical etc.)
- Machinery
- Repair parts
- Special order items
Please don't hesitate to reach out for clarity on any of these exceptions.
Please contact us to get a Return Goods Authorization (RGA) number before shipping anything back. Any item deemed to be defective must be returned for inspection before a replacement is sent out.
*Shipping charges are non-refundable unless you had to return the product because of our error.