Dimar's Carbide Tipped Canoe Bits may be known asFlute & Beadbits, the Canoe bits are perfectly matched to join two pieces of wood by means ofBall & Socket.The bits may be used to createcircular plantersand Strip-builtcanoes. Canoe makers use these bits to make long, seamless joints in the curving hulls of their canoes. Use one bit for thecove, and then the matching bit to cut the matingbead. The resulting interlocking joint has a hinging action that is perfect for any curved element. The bits may be used in hardwood, softwood, and plywood, on portable and stationary routers.The multi-bit is made of exact matching profiles on the same bit. That ensures perfect join even after several sharpening. The Two Bits Set is a less expensive version, but it may require switching bits often.Two Flutes are ideal when fine finishing is a priority.Cuts most softwood and hardwood.Works on CNC, Hand-Held, Tabel router machines.
- Weight: 1.00 LBS
Diameter (D)1"
Shank (d)1/2"
Shank Length-
Cutting Length (B)5/8"
Overall Length (L)2 5/8"
Radius (R) 1/8"
Angle (A)-
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- Weight: 1.00 LBS
- Shank: 1/2 in
- Profile: Canoe Bits
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